Generative AI for Graphics, Vision and 3D

SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH Asia Birds of a Feather Session

What an AI powered future might look like? Rapid evolution of computing capabilities enables transforming process of scientific discovery, creative production and invent new ways to experience and interact with art, music, design, film, literature, theatre, fashion and every other sphere of cultural production. This super unique BoF seeks to bring together technologists, artists, arts organizations and researchers to discuss what impact AI and generative technologies may have for our future.

Time and Location

SIGGRAPH Asia 2023
Friday, 15 December, 2023
9am - 10:30am AEDT

Location: Meeting Room C4.6, Level 4 (Convention Centre)

Interest Areas: Art and Design, New Technologies, Research and Education

Keywords: Animation/Simulation, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Generative AI

SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 BoF Link

Tentative Schedule

Welcome to BoF, Tomasz Bednarz (NVIDIA)
AI Survey, David Spoestra (Media Machine)
Lucid Lens: Surface the content beneath the headline, Justin Stimatze
GenAI and Physics, Ram Cherukuri (NVIDIA)
Directed Visual Storytelling with GenAI at Canva, Bhautic Joshi (Canva)
AI reality generation: Implications for science of mind, Sohei Wakisaka (Keio University)
Generative AI will transform Science, John A Taylor (ANU)
Panel on Generative AI


Tomasz Bednarz (NVIDIA, USA)
David Spoestra (Media Machine, USA)
Barbara Mones (University of Washington, USA)

For more information, please e-mail:
tomasz.bednarz at

Previous BoFs

SIGGRAPH Asia 2023, Sydney
SIGGRAPH 2023, Los Angeles
SIGGRAPH Asia 2022, Daegu, South Korea